Lupsor System Timeline

Lupsor System Timeline


The initial idea of finding a solution to fight against dazzle while driving was illustrated by this photo showing the contrast between driving with and without a sunglass.

Very quickly we imagined the product by thinking about sunglasses.

RFGS® Initial mock-up

RFGS® Initial mock-up

Thus, the idea of integrating imitation wood frames in harmony with the interior of luxury vehicles has sprouted with the full duration of the development of this product.

RFGS® Visor transparent glass model

RFGS® Visor transparent glass model


Lupsor System Inc.  story can be resumed in the following way:

RFGS® Visor prototype

RFGS® Visor prototype

Lupsor developed RFGS® Visor prototype in Michigan (MI), in the US

  • The prototype showed how the solution will work.
  • This prototype was then presented to carmakers and sun visors makers (USA, Europe, Japan)

Lupsor went through all the complex business to business buying process with the major carmaker.

  • Management introduction
  • business development department introduction
  • engineering and technical solution validation
  • price discussion and negotiation
  • vehicle program definition
  • production planning
  • testing and validation scheduling

Carmakers expressed their interest in the product:

  • Ford Motors Company introduced the technology in their technical book specification for its engineering team to know about the innovation.
  • The Group RenaultNissan (France, USA, Japan) evaluated the product and requested sun visor makers to partner with Lupsor for its development and assembly line production projection
  • Renault-Nissan expressed willing price higher than $5-8 actual traditional visor’s price
  • 1.2 million unit was pre-ordered to cover two makes of the Group Renault-Nissan (600k per group for the initial year)

Lupsor presented the product to Grupo Antolin – sun visor maker – in France and in the United States

The former General Manager of Grupo-Antolin France wrote:

“This product can be introduced quickly to BMW, Daimler Mercedes and Saab”

The US plant Grupo Antolin USA, former chairman wrote after seeing RFGS® Visor (SPD photochromic Glass) prototype presentation:

“This product is very interesting, Grupo will work with Lupsor to foresee potential alliance for production.”

Finally, Lupsor signed a partnership alliance with the Group Crotty Corporation (MI) that led to the first sketch of the final product illustrated here:

RFGS Visor sketch by Crotty Corporation

RFGS Visor sketch by Crotty Corporation


In 2005, the company Crotty Corporation filed for bankruptcy following the massive relocation of the production of sun visors from the United States to Mexico. The closure of the 9/11 plants led to the collapse of our joint venture.

Lupsor has been put on hold for a long period [2005-2017]. The problem of frontal glare remains unresolved – even in vehicles of the year 2017-2018. The development of a new product that makes up on the progress made in the development of smart and connected technologies systems has enabled the company and its leader to develop and propose a new product.

Pressing the “Refresh” button. [Carlos Ghosn, CEO Alliance group Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi, 2017]

Resumption of the Company’s activities in 2017, development of the new smart sun visor system with Heads Display technology (HUD) and connectivity feature (Bluetooth, Wi-fi), touchscreen, infrared images display’s system.

A new patent was filed in the United States for the new Multidirectional Frontal Glare Smart™ Visor with HUD Technology (MFGS® Visor).

A multidirectional system that allows the transparent and smart visor to perform multiple movements around a central connector. The smart visor can (a) rotate to adjust to the driver height. (b) swiveling to the left or right of the driver. (c) a sliding towards the center of the vehicle to protect against the incident beams under the central rearview mirror.

The new design of the new smart visor assembly shows the sun visor function alignment to design lines of customers’ vehicles interior.

The smart visor becomes, therefore, part of the interior design of the vehicle contributing to the interior beauty of the next-generation vehicles.


FGS visor Talisman

FGS® – HUD Visor – illustration on Renault Talisman interior

The final product will be customized to meet the interior trim and style of each car manufacturer (depending on the make or model).


Lupsor is ready to partner with sun visor makers to meet our clients’ future orders and deliver the product for the next year cars.

Dr. George Alula is a former consultant of Renault Automobiles at its headquarter in France. He was in charge of the daily technical operations of two departments – the Body, Assembly and assembling department and the Electricity and Electronic Study department. He worked under the actual General Manager Carlos Ghosn.

Dr. Alula received strong support for Nissan Management in the United States (Bob Sump) and in Japan.

For more information, contact us at info@lupsor.com